Here’s How You Can Send WhatsApp Messages to Yourself

Yes, it’s possible to take organized notes on WhatsApp or message someone on WhatsApp without saving their number in your contacts list.

Safoora Maqbool
Writers’ Blokke
4 min readOct 4, 2021


Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

We often receive WhatsApp messages from our friends or family members in the form of a listicle(probably of grocery items) or maybe in the form of a jotted text paragraph.

These messages serve no meaning to the receiver, rather they are only the jotted notes taken by the sender; that are sent out to friends or family members with the mere purpose of keeping the records.

Sometimes people, often become annoyed by receiving such texts from others; especially when they’re expecting a WhatsApp message from a special person but to their dismay, the chanted WhatsApp ringtone chime returns them not what they were expecting, but a useless ‘record maintaining’ message from someone else.

It has happened with me and so I know it’s annoyingly painstaking enough at times to keep calm, deliberately forcing people to burst out their anger on others.

I’ve seen people heated up on this matter beyond my expectations. So much so forth that they end up breaking relations with the ‘record maintaining’ message sender party. Even though it sounds a bit exaggerated but, anger really makes one do the unexpected, which is going to the extent of losing friends.

What I don’t understand is that why people don’t use the Notepad app on their mobile phones to take notes? Why use WhatsApp when you’ve got the notepad built-in app on your smartphone?

I figured the answer to the question when I myself used WhatsApp to text a ‘record maintaing’ message, during my academics, to a best friend’s number specifically because I knew that later if I ever needed any information out of that paragraphic record, where to look for it was evident to me — that is my best friend’s specific chat. It was easier for me to remember my friend’s name than memorizing the whole paragraph so I did just that.

So, most of the time people send out ‘record maintaining’ texts to their close friends or family members because then they know under what name they could refer back to their valuable information whenever needed.

Additionally, most of the time it so happens that you compose a lengthy informational message to share with your contacts, and before sending it out, you’d like to check how it'll appear as a single text on a smartphone screen — message appearance checking. In such cases too, people first send the text to their closed ones and then after making sure of its appearance and content, send it out in bulk.

However, WhatsApp does enable its users to better organize their notes or records by allowing them to send WhatsApp messages to themselves. That way, you won’t have to send your ‘record maintaining’ or ‘appearance checking’ texts to other contacts unnecessarily. Just send it out to yourself and save others from the annoyance of receiving almost null messages.

Here’s the step-by-step guide on how to message yourself on WhatsApp.

  1. First, make sure your smartphone has access to the internet connection.
  2. Go to your browser(can be any one of all available) and type in the following:

Hit on the search button and it will redirect you to a window as shown:

Image by Author

Click on that green button and it will directly take you to the WhatsApp chat screen where you can start messaging yourself and take notes. Once you initiate the chat this way with your own WhatsApp number, you won’t have to repeat these steps every time you want to message yourself unless you delete your chat.

The exact same procedure is followed for either of the web versions: mobile or desktop. Similarly, if you want to message someone without saving their number in your contact list, you can follow the exact same procedure, provided the number you’re trying to send a WhatsApp message has WhatsApp set-up against that number.

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