Hey You, I Need Your Feedback

I have a big idea. But, I need your help to make it happen.

Nia Simone McLeod
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Cristian Rojas from Pexels

I’ve been thinking about more ways to connect with my Medium followers. A few days ago, I hit 700. I don’t think I’ve even met 700 people in my entire life. And yet, 700 people decided to bet on a weird Black girl from Virginia. That is incredible.

The support that my followers (and, the general Medium community) have given me over the past seven months is amazing. I appreciate every read and comment I get.

I wanted to find a way to connect with my followers more, and possibly build a community. One of the first things I thought of was hosting live events.

The thing is — I don’t know if Medium users are interested in attending live events. This is why I’m sending this post out to all you beautiful people!

This wouldn’t just be a Medium thing. I’d boost it throughout my other social media platforms (Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Substack).

These events would be an opportunity for us to get to know each other better, make connections, and have fun. I would hold these events on YouTube or Twitch.

Here are some ideas I have for live events:

  1. Writing/Reading Sprints: I see these events all over…



Nia Simone McLeod
Writers’ Blokke

Writer covering whatever piques my interest | she/her | Subscribe to my newsletter: https://ohwrite.substack.com/welcome