How Evergreen are Evergreen Stories?

I have more questions than answers

Paul Kim
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Since I started writing on Medium about four and a half months ago, some common recommendations I often see from writers is to:

  1. Write often
  2. Write for quality over quantity and vice versa — I think either way works
  3. Write evergreen stories

I really liked the idea behind the last one. To write stories that are always relevant even years from now. Sounds great but the more I thought about it, the more it made me wonder.

How evergreen is evergreen?

It doesn’t seem as long as I hoped for from what I’ve observed.

When I look at my Medium home page, I frequently check to see what topics are popular or trending. I toggle back and forth between these two tabs throughout the day.

The “Following” stories are usually pretty new and I rarely see anything older than a month. The “Recommended For You” stories have a broader time range but not by much more. Over the past month, I’ve been monitoring the Recommended stories to see how old they tend to be. The majority are usually less than 6-months old and on a rare occasion, there may be one or two stories over a year old.

