How I Got 75 New Referrals In the Last Two Months Alone

Two tweaks, two tweets

Writers’ Blokke


People vector created by pikisuperstar -
People vector created by pikisuperstar —

I’m in awe. When Medium rolled out the referral program last year, I wasn’t expecting it to have a giant impact on lesser known writers like myself. I did imagine it having somewhat of an impact on the big guns of Medium, the writers with tens of thousands of followers. I thought they’d be getting referrals easily.

Turns out I was all kinds of wrong.

The referral magic

In the first two months of 2022, I’ve gained 75 referrals alone.

To put that into perspective, the month before that (December 2021), my referral link attracted a total of 5 people. The entire month!

Now, for the majority of writers on this platform, 5 referrals is a considerable number. And I truly agree. I couldn’t have imagined crossing double-digits within a month, let alone amassing 30 to 40 referrals.

The question is how?

I’m trying to find an answer to that myself.

Here’s what I think.

A little luck

A major part in my success over the past two months was luck. I wrote a post late 2021 that picked up traction in December and has been going strong since then. That post…



Writers’ Blokke

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