How I Set Up the Perfect Writing Space to Help Me Write In Comfort for Longer

Design your ideal space

Wendy Scott
Writers’ Blokke


Author’s photo — My desk set up — two screens plus laptop, port.

When I sit down to write, I need it to be easy. I like to write and edit without distractions or irritations.

Dr. Ben Hardy writes about the importance of the environment in his book Willpower Doesn’t Work. The gist of his approach is that you won’t eat a healthy diet with a fridge full of rubbish — environment matters. I’ve extrapolated that to “you won’t write effectively with a less than ideal working space.”

If you are cramped, haven’t got the right equipment, and can’t reach the items you need, writing can become a painful experience. Valuable content won’t spring forth from a sore back, messy desk, and eye-strain.

There is also ergonomics to consider. I’ve had it drummed into me during my years of working to sit properly to avoid injury.

My journey to an (almost) perfect writing space has taken over a year is still evolving. While researching this story, I’ve just discovered I’m doing everything right except I don’t use a wrist rest. I’ve fetched a towel from the linen cupboard to experiment.

Apparently, the wrist rest is used when you are not typing but reading on the screen. When typing, we should have our hands hovering over the keyboard…



Wendy Scott
Writers’ Blokke

L&D professional writing practical, step-by-step leadership and training & development articles to help leaders, managers & trainers grow their careers.