5 Imaginative Ways to Utilize the Power of Medium Lists (And a Few Pitfalls)

How lists can help you get more views

Writers’ Blokke


Screenshot by author

Confession. I’ve completely been underutilizing Medium lists since this feature was introduced last year. That’s a shame because lists are powerful. You can do a lot more with them than just categorizing your posts. Building my lists and utilizing them to their full potential is one of my goals for the coming weeks.

Let me share with you how I plan to use Medium lists.

What’s a list?

Let’s get the basics out of the way first. Medium lists are pretty self-explanatory. Anyone on Medium can create lists by navigation to the list section on the website or in the Medium app.

Every Medium user already has one list in place from the get-go. That’s their reading list. It’s empty if you’ve never saved anything to read later, but the list is there nevertheless.

Screenshot by author

This reading list is usually private, meaning only the owner can see it. You can make it public, then every visitor can have a look.



Writers’ Blokke

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