How much is too much?

exploring the quantitative side of life.

Vidhita Kher
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readFeb 20, 2022


Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Oftentimes we come across phrases like isn’t that too much oil in your dish, I think you’re taking too much rice at night, all of this will go around your waist in no time you see. At times when you show concern to others, people term you as too caring or they say, you are too much! And that makes me wonder what is the yardstick they are using to gauge? How to find out how much is too much for them or for you or for anyone. Let’s dissect this more in areas of lifestyle and in general our life in this post.

Dietary habits

In recent times, many more people have become aware of what they are eating and like to keep a check on their diets. Some prudently follow it while some others moderately. I am someone who follows it moderately as sometimes I do fall off from my diet plan. I feel that the definition of moderation varies from person to person.

Everything in moderation is a piece of very simple advice to promote healthy eating that most nutritionists give these days. However, without a fixed definition, it gives people the freedom to define moderation as how much they want to eat or indulge in basis their moods and situations. My body gives me signals enough for me to gauge the quantities of food that I intake and I like to follow that bodily rhythm.

Emotional spectrum

Coming to think about this phrase, “how much is too much”, in the emotional spectrum of life, where we care too much, think too much, worry too much and sometimes we even get to hear this phrase from our near and dear ones, that you’re just too much! Being the inherently caring person that I’m, I get to hear this many times from my friends and family. We all get assessed by the people around us from their lens which most often is different from ours and there comes friction.

Whenever I invest too much into something or someone and when it is not reciprocated back, I draw a boundary — yes, so that it doesn’t affect my peace of mind. Because if it does, then it’s too much for me! We do and we expect. Rather we should do our best and forget the rest without any expectation. I know it’s easier said than done but that is a sustainble way of living life with contentment and peace.

Conclusion -

To sum up, I’d like to say everyone has their own peculiar definition and boundaries of too much just like I have. The magnitude of this standard definition may also differ in different scenarios and with different people we meet. For me, I feel that as long as I’m not drifting drastically away from my fundamental value system to please other people I’m just doing fine, and often times you have to remind yourself rather than look around for affirmation and validation from people around you.

