How Reading Improves Your Writing Skills

Mastering Your Craft

Writers’ Blokke
3 min readJul 11, 2021


Photo by Nguyen on Unsplash

How Does Reading Affect Your Work?

The benefit of reading is that it creates the perfect atmosphere for developing new ideas. Opening a good book can often spark creativity and thoughts and may lead you to discover topics you hadn’t thought to explore. When you are consistently reading new books, it keeps your mind active and stimulated.

The faster you read, the better your writing will be. You might notice your writing become more polished and concise from the get-go. Some say your writing gets better with time, but it truly has to do with how often you activate your mind.

So, what kind of books should you read? The answer is simple. Always reach for the mind-blowing, hard-to-put-down books. Reach for the novel that would make a great movie. Through incredible reading, you will find yourself inspired and see your passions reignited.

Reading Is An Investment

Writers spend a significant amount of time searching for tools and courses that will help them create the perfect article. They assume that by investing in other systems, they might become an outstanding writer. While this may work for some, others will find it to be a difficult task. Fortunately, there is a 100% free resource that will improve any writer who dares to try the method for themselves. Of course, that is reading.

If you are not yet convinced, take some time to listen to the greats. A few of the most renowned writers in history have inspired and challenged the minds of many. What better way to become a great writer than by reading the works of other great writers?

Harriet Beecher Stowe. Sylvia Plath. Richard Wright. Ralph Ellison. Thomas Mann. Ernest Hemingway. When you read their works, you can see how they, too, found inspiration in other phenomenal writing. The proof is in the pudding. Reading also allows you to see them, in a way, as peers.

Becoming A Better Writer

Reading more has been proven to improve writing skills in several different ways. It can help improve your vocabulary, knowledge of grammar, and creative writing abilities. When you’re reading, you are constantly learning new things.

You might find that you develop an eye for great content and character building. Aspects of you as a writer might change, such as your style and voice. You will learn to notice how characters react to situations in a different way than you would.

The list of benefits is unending. Learning to notice literary devices, writing more engaging sentences, understanding sentence construction, and more will make you a better writer.

Carve Out A Little Time For Growth

So, you are dedicated to improving your writing skills. Start by setting aside time in your day to sit down and read. Even a short 30 minutes can be beneficial. Investing in a good book might lead you to find different genres that speak to you. You might even find yourself unable to stop after you’ve started. These instances will only help you further enrich your knowledge and vocabulary.

Reading more is a never-ending quest that everyone makes at some point or another. What types of books should you be reading for growth? Some great reads may teach you more about structure, while others may offer insight about characterization and other elements of good writing.


Whatever your process is, it is worthwhile to learn more about the art of storytelling. Now that you’ve gained a bit more insight on how reading can benefit you, find a good book and dive right in! As Rachel Anders said,

The journey of a lifetime starts with the turning of a page.



Writers’ Blokke

Freelance Copywriter | Blogger ✏️ Minnesota📍