Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

How the Autosuggestion Kills the Fear

Sometimes we tend to believe that we want to go to fail or go wrong, but there is a secret where you can change these thoughts

Marcus Dutra
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2023



Janet R. was a very talented young singer. She was invited to make a voice test for a very important role in an opera. And as an anxious girl, she wanted desperately to pass that test, but she felt apprehensive too.

And three times before when she singed it to the directors of the opera, she didn’t sing well for them. Despite her marvelous voice, she used to say to herself: “When the time comes for me to sing, it will be horrible. I’ll never get the role. They won’t like me. And they will ask how I had the courage to submit to the test. I know it’s going to be a joke.”

Photo by Kenny Filiaert on Unsplash

So her subconscious mind accepted these negative associations and make them an order. And these words really turned this a reality. The cause was an involuntary auto-suggestion. Her fears had turned into emotionally charged, deep thoughts, which in turn had become reality.

But after a divine intuition, the young singer managed to overcome the force of negative autosuggestion. And he did this by fighting them with other positive suggestions.

The New Routine

What she did was this: three times a day, she locked herself in the silent room. She would sit comfortably in a chair, relax and close her eyes. As much as she could, she stilled her body and mind. Physical inertia facilitates mental passivity and makes the mind more receptive to suggestions.

In order to combat the suggestion of fear, he would repeat to himself: “I sing wonderfully. I am balanced, serene, confident, and calm.” Every time he sat down to exercise, she calmly and confidently repeated this statement five to 10 times. She made three equal sessions during the day and one immediately before going to bed.

After a week, she felt well-balanced and confident. When audition day arrived, she did wonderfully and was chosen to join the cast.


This story you just read reveals a simple power of our subconscious. Which is very sensitive to suggestions. And here in this technique, she used positive autosuggestion to overcome her fear of singing.

It may sound silly and simple, but it’s a great old mind control technique that you can apply in your home today. You can do the same way Janet did, reciting the same sentence three times a day five times. Or even telling you nice phrases by writing positive messages or sending love texts to other loved ones.

That is, it doesn’t matter how you do it, but the nature of the thought that needs to be good, positive, true, and fair for your subconscious ass, I understand that reality will be progressive. And so you will manage, in a time that only the universe will tell, to overcome some of your fears.


Hello, I’m Marcus Dutra, a designer passionate about visuals. If you liked this post, please consider following me for more good words in your life.

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