How to Find the Courage to Continue Writing

Even if you get nearly no views at all

Jerren Gan
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Matt Heaton on Unsplash

Blogging can be depressing at times. Whether it is on Medium or through other blogging platforms, opening up the “stats” page and seeing low numbers feels extremely discouraging.

And I should know how it feels to get nearly no views. After all, I started my first month on Medium writing posts that garnered single digit views, earning a grand total of 1 cent through the Partner Program at the end of the month. Furthermore, I am no Tim Denning. I still regularly post stories that barely get any traction.

Truthfully, I have thought about quitting. I’ve experienced bad writer burnout and spent weeks away from writing. I’ve sat myself down countless times asking myself if I really wanted to continue writing. I’ve even contemplated deleting my Medium account (well, at least all of my stories, I still want to read the stories posted here from time to time).

Being Discouraged is Normal

Yet, despite those thoughts, I am still here, writing. I mean, this article is a testament to my continued passion in writing.

As writers, having thoughts about quitting is normal. When we compare ourselves to those literary giants, it seems as if we would never be able to produce works…



Jerren Gan
Writers’ Blokke

Systems Engineer and Physicist | Writing about the environment, mental health, science, and how all of them come together to create society as we know it.