How To Get Over Heartbreaks?

It’s simple. Tweak your brains.

Sanjana S 💛
Writers’ Blokke
2 min readApr 4, 2024


Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Break-ups are always tough no matter what. We invest a lot of time and energy in building a relationship and when things go downhill, it hurts. Some people handle them better while many aren’t as lucky. So, for those who find it difficult to move on, here’s a little guide — try tweaking your minds.

Our brains are like machines — just as reconfiguring a small part of a machine can make it work better, changing how you see break-ups can help you get over them easier.

A Little Story Time -

A few days back, while cleaning my closet, I stumbled upon a dress I hadn’t worn in years. Realizing it no longer served my purpose, I decided to pass it on to someone who could appreciate it more.

Now here comes the fun part.

This dress that I referred to was once my favorite. I distinctly remember, begging my mother to buy it for me in the first year of college. I used to adore it so much that I would wear it to almost all the events I went to.

But how can this help you in getting over heartbreaks?

Consider this dress to be your relationship. When you started seeing the concerned person, you adored them. You both had created a universe of your own where you together made lots of good memories. But over the months/ years, things started drifting apart. Maybe because -

You both have different goals in life.

You guys don’t connect like before.

Your outlook towards life has changed.

Either of you met someone else.

Whatever it be, the relationship doesn’t serve your purpose anymore.

So instead of being sad about it, try telling yourself every day (till you no longer have to) that sometimes it’s better to end things when they no longer add value to your life, in the anticipation that you will find someone better who would appreciate you more.

Remember: Getting over heartbreaks doesn’t happen overnight, no matter what the tenure of the relationship is. The idea is not to get over things quickly but slowly and practically, to the extent that you don’t have to look back. So, take your time and train your mind accordingly because life’s too short to cry over crappy coffee and cold dates.



Sanjana S 💛
Writers’ Blokke

Hi folks! I am a lawyer with a passion for blogging - currently on a mission to eat good food, travel and find my mental peace:))