How to Get Promoted at Work

14 Guaranteed Ways

Ijlal Saleem
Writers’ Blokke
7 min readAug 31, 2020


What an employee has to go through in office life while dealing with the boss and how to get promoted at work.
Photo by Bob Smith from FreeImages

The question, “How to get promoted at work?” may look unappealing but just close your eyes and imagine your name comes out as the new manager or CEO, that excitement is one of the best feelings in the world and this is the reason why you need to read this article. We all know how great it feels to get promoted at work and hear your name standing out from a group of qualified members. Not just that, if you want to know the most effective and guaranteed methods of how to get promoted at work fast, you are surely in the right place. I bet you will agree too!

After when you read this article, you’ll have answers to all your questions including the ‘best way to get promoted at work’, ‘signs of getting promoted at work’, and how long does it take to get a promotion’. I want you to get your hopes high, start packing your bags for vacations, and a raise in salary because you, my dear! are getting the promotion soon.

Getting promoted is indeed one of the best feelings after when you finish studies and join an organization but you need to watch out for the wolves out there and if you think it is just a phrase, you are wrong! The wolves are real and are there to take things away from you. The thing is that you don’t even need to be an enemy with the wolves. If you are a part of a team; a group; if you are a candidate; a competitor; you are definitely having wolves around you. Keep your eyes open!


The information and guidelines stated in this article are gathered through sheer experience and vigilant observations. I don’t want to claim big here but just try it out, things will work for sure. I didn’t succeed while I was going through this phase and that made me learn a lot. Failure leads you to success and is the best teacher.

1. How to get promoted at work quickly? REMEMBER! THE BOSS IS ALWAYS RIGHT

If you are wrong and the boss is right, he is right for sure but in the case when you are right and the boss is wrong, you are still wrong because the boss is always right. When we say it, it doesn’t mean a universal truth; just consider the boss right, that’s all!

2. Always call your manager or team lead ‘The Boss’

No matter how qualified you are, whatever the nature of your job is, or even if you are the senior-most and experienced, just get used to the term ‘Boss’. Though the boss will casually announce on the first day of the job to call him/her with the name, just to feel young but the management craves authority and dominance the most. No matter what, just get used to the term ‘Boss’.


Consider a skull/danger sign with that heading above because this thing my dear is the most sensitive of all. DO NOT ARGUE! You will never get promoted. You argued once, you will not get promoted for a couple of years. Just keep that fact in mind mentioned above, ‘In case when you are right and the boss is wrong, you are still wrong’. Admit that and move on!

4. Never turn down an invitation

You receive an invitation from the management or a group that includes the bosses; either it’s smoke, lunch, dinner, or whatever; if it says invitation, accept it. If you don’t have the resources to afford the management gathering or parties, look for part-time jobs, earn more or save money for such crucial situations and opportunities. I remember the saying, ‘Eating together helps to build love and relationship’. This still works in the modern world but with a modification, ‘Paying the bill for the food everybody had; it strengthens the love and relationship’.

5. Smoke, if you want to succeed

Smoking kills and it is injurious to health” but smoking is important when it comes to answering the question, ‘How to get noticed and promoted at work?’ I’m not a smoker and I prefer not to promote it anywhere or at the workplace until you do the other things successfully that I mentioned in this article. Nobody likes smoking alone, without talking about almost everything, and if the boss smokes, do not waste this opportunity to get prominent in the gathering. If you are a great conversationalist, this is the right time to start smoking! Surprise the boss with flavors and brands of cigarettes he doesn’t know about.

6. Spend money

I guess that is obvious and I don’t need to go deep into that. Just keep a part of your income aside, a great part of income actually, and consider that this isn’t your money.

7. Tell your boss how he reminds you of Tom Cruise or Chris Hemsworth

Keep your inner feelings and observations to yourself and just admit the fact that you never met a person like your boss before. Just tell him that even Vin Diesel doesn’t look as sexy as he looks in the bald and that you never thought someone can ever look so cute with the belly bulge.

8. Exaggeration is your weapon and a key to success

Though the boss already knows that but let’s just appreciate his efforts and hard work which you don’t even know anything about and tell him how his services for the company which again you don’t know what they are, have helped the company reach the height of success where it is now and it’s only because of him that the company is surviving in this ever-advancing high-tech growing world.

9. How to convince your boss you deserve a promotion? OVERTIME!

The best way to get promoted at work is to work overtime. Forget if you have any personal commitments, family waiting for you at the dinner table, forget that you survive on food, just think of your work as you were only sent to the world to do this job, FULL STOP!

10. Hard work vs. smart work

Hard work pays off but you will be dead by then. You, your family, the girl you wish to marry, will not wait for so long until it pays off. So, just focus on smart work. Be efficient, do not go deep in anything. Just skim and execute, you’ll excel I promise. There was a time when questioning was considered a door, a gateway to knowledge but not anymore. Don’t question much; consider yourself Einstein; you were born a scientist. Otherwise, you’ll be classed as dumb. Also, the boss doesn’t like answering and you can’t afford him to hold a grudge against you.

11. You are funny? GOOD! Did you make a joke on your boss? FIRED!

Keeping the environment pleasant is great for the work atmosphere. Consider yourself sitting in a meeting or a gathering, everyone likes your humor and the way you ridiculed the whole group one by one. Now the next person to receive a joke is your boss, stop right there! Start over from your colleagues otherwise that will hurt your future in the company. If the boss makes a joke on you, laugh! Tickle yourself secretly if the laugh doesn’t come out. Feel proud that you have been ridiculed by your boss. Consider it a blessing. Kill the thought if you are imagining of coming up with a counter joke or even if you are creative enough and have a perfect comeback in your mind.

12. The boss is having a temporary crush on a girl

This is where you’ll have tons of workload on your fragile shoulders because the boss’s capability of thinking and listening is long gone and he stops working. He is having a temporary crush on a girl. If you are fresh or newly hired, you’ll think of them as the perfect father and daughter duo but eventually, you’ll salute, admire the courage and self-confidence of your boss.

13. Do not try to be over smart

Firstly, you are not creative enough even if you have assisted your country to emerge on the world map as the first nuclear state through your skills and formulating complex equations. Secondly, if you somehow manage to crack a case or give a solution to a problem, and even if you benefit the company to win a million-dollar project (Exaggeration), give your boss the credit already. It’s too much to ask, right? Still, give him the credit, don’t think. Don’t make him look dumb even if he is.

14. Talk about the Netflix TV shows and movies

Start to watch and read reviews of TV shows and movies. Elevate yourself to the level that you have even directed and written scripts of some of the top-rated TV shows available on Netflix. Again, do not make the boss look dumb.

The success is right there to kiss your feet and nobody is going to stop you from succeeding, not even the experience or knowledge can stand tall in front of you (This is deep, read it again).

If you have things to add, experience to share, don’t hesitate to enhance my knowledge.



Ijlal Saleem
Writers’ Blokke

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