How to know if I am in an abusive relationship?

I love him but I am not happy.

Claudia Morais SP
Writers’ Blokke
2 min readOct 12, 2021


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The abusive relationship is subject to happen at any time of a person’s life, whether in men or women, heterosexual or homosexual, the abuse does not choose race or creed, the important thing is to be able to free, because many times we are experiencing abuse and we don’t even realize it. Usually, this happens because of the way the abuse is done, and the way that person manipulates you.

To free yourself from abusive relationships, you have to know how to identify the abuser, and I’m going to show you three signs…

The first sign for you to identify that you are in an abusive relationship is when the abuser looks for a (frequency) cycle of the abuse. Let’s suppose that everything is fine and the person creates conflict situations and this situation will lead to reconciliation, and most of the time the victim ends up blaming herself even though she is right and apologizing, and after the reconciliation, the abuser will create another conflict situation. This cycle will happen frequently. In abusive relationships, many victims don’t realize this.

The second sign is very delicate because the abusive person’s actions come to convince you that you are a weak person who is losing your judgment and that you should not trust your perceptions. It’s when the abusive person puts you down, says you’re going crazy, exaggerates, or even that you’re losing track of things, that you said something and don’t remember and that it’s your fault, always looking for ways to diminish you and make you feel incapable that leads you to a mental confusion in which you lose confidence in yourself, always doubting your perceptions. Even if the victim eventually realizes the abuse of so much upset creates a block that can’t decide if the abuse is happening or not.

The third and last sign will make you understand if you are really in an abusive relationship or not. What happens is that the abuser will never admit that he is the cause of the problem, will look for various pretexts that he is a victim, and resists assuming that he is to blame, even if he has to accuse the mother, the father, the neighbor, or if he has to blame the world, but extremely resists assuming the responsibilities of the actions that he does.

So, if you identify yourself with these three signs, or know someone who is in this situation, assume this reality to free yourself.



Claudia Morais SP
Writers’ Blokke

Escrevo sobre o que me vem na cabeça, sou ansiosa, intensa e confusa. Nada de especial e tudo bem. Grata por lerem minhas viagens mentais.