How To Moderate an Online Panel Discussion

Vidhita Kher
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2021

5 easy tips to conduct online panel discussion in this new normal virtual mode based on personal experiences.

5 tips for conducting an online panel discussion. Poster created by me using

In this new normal world, post-pandemic digital learning is the way to go forward. Almost everything is moved online like learning, schooling, interviews, discussions, etc.

Panel Discussion is no different. Most often in a panel discussion, it is required to get various perspectives on a particular topic that is of wider interest to the audience or attendees of the group discussion. Therefore it becomes almost imperative to do good research before selecting the topic or even the PANELISTS so that the discussion is fruitful and covers maximum viewpoints concerning the topic chosen.

I have gotten many opportunities to be a PANELIST on a group discussion during the various occasions in my college under graduation and during 2018 I was part of a panel discussion on IWD for the Women in Technology conference in Chennai, eWIT and I have also been the moderator of many panel discussion during online and offline modes.

This is me (in the center holding mic) speaking as a panelist at the 12th annual eWIT event on the topic #pressforprogress

Below are the 5 most important tips out of my experience of conducting virtual panel discussions presented in detail.

Tip 1: Know your TOPIC

The first and foremost thing to do for a panel discussion is to choose a topic wisely which is of interest or is currently a hot favorite in the news or is the most talked-about thing of your audience group. It's very important for you as a panel moderator that you do background research on the chosen topic, gather some facts and figures related to the topic and stay in touch with anything in news about your topic so that you look relevant to the audience and to your panelists while driving the discussion.

TIP 1: Know your Topic(Poster created by me using

Tip 2: Know your PANELISTS

The second most important tip that could prove to be helpful for conducting online group discussion is to get familiar with the panelists and their work profile which is suitable for the topic selected for the panel discussion. Make sure to choose your panelists from a diverse group of members, they should know their subject well to represent, they should be able to articulate their thoughts in a concise way. They should also be able to answer the questions of audiences during the group discussion.

As a panel moderator, you should work upon their introduction to know their work profile, their current interests aligned to the topic and in online mode, I also like to take their photo to be added in the introductory section.

TIP 2: Know your panelists(Poster created by me using

Tip 3: Interact with your AUDIENCE

The 3rd tip is to interact with your audience. You can always start your panel discussion by engaging the audience with an opening question and in digital online mode, you can do that by creating an online poll and asking people to vote and engage them with the topic right at the beginning. It helps me as a panel moderator to know the audience's interest level and I can build my content flow out of their responses.

Tip 3: Interact with Audience(Poster created by me using

Tip 4: Take cues from PANELISTS

While it is important to keep your questions ready to be asked during the panel discussion but it’s also okay to go with the flow and take cues from your panelists based on their answers and pose it as an open-ended question onto your next panelist on the virtual stage. You can do that by actively listening to the responses of your panelists and building follow-up question to take further on in the discussion.

This shows your attentiveness as a panel moderator and also allows the panelists’ to stay relevant to the topic.

Tip 4: Take cues from panelists(Poster created by me using

Tip 5: Summarise your Panel Discussion

The last but not the least tip for conducting an online panel discussion is to summarise all the important points discussed as a moderator so that the audience has a clear take-home message out of the whole discussion happened. That not only helps the audience but also shows your attentiveness as a panel moderator. The audience should feel enlightened and humbled by the discussion that just happened. They could also be left with some food for thought in a light and fun way. In the end, it should be engaging and fun.

TIP 5: Summarise your panel discussion as a moderator(Poster created by me using


Based on my experience these are my top most recommended tips and I also have a YouTube video created for the same. Do watch it if suits you and share your comments. Do share with me your views about any tips for conducting virtual panel discussions that you may have other than the ones listed below. I’d be happy to know more about them. 😊

