How To Revive Dull Skin — Morganna’s Alchemy 24 Carrot Glow Skin Moisturizer

Hi There….. Do you suffer from dull skin? Have you been looking for a good skin moisturizer to make it glow again?

Writers’ Blokke
5 min readSep 23, 2022


Picture by Seadbeady

Ever since my Gastric Bypass surgery, I have had problems with dull skin. Ok, it could be because I’m aging too, but I refuse to accept that. 😁

It’s a good thing there are so many products on the market already, like skin moisturizers or anti-wrinkle products, and if they don’t work, you can always put on a few layers of make-up. 😎

That reminds me of the TV quizzes I was on in the past. They would always put on a thick layer of make-up on your face to make sure you would look your best. My face felt like cardboard afterward. 😬

One time, the make-up lady asked me if she could put on some red lipstick too. She said it would look great on me. I was hesitant, but she persuaded me to do it, anyway. I looked amazing she said. 😏

True or not, it was not me, so before I walked out the door, I took out my handkerchief and wiped it off as fast as I could. 😜

Enough about me, let me tell you about this 24 Carrot Glow Skin Moisturizer Morganna’s Alchemy sent me in exchange for my honest opinion. 😍

Picture by Seadbeady

About Morganna’s Alchemy

I started Morganna’s on a kitchen table in Belgium, with an anti-aging cream I created, called Break the Hourglass.

I made a lot of skincare products that I would send to my neighbors via my son and his bicycle. One day, my aunt asked me to develop a product that would allow her to go through long periods of time in between her Botox™ treatments.

She did not want to stop the treatments, but she sometimes would get flu-like symptoms for two weeks after each session., She needed a product that would help her go through long periods of time in between treatments. That is how the Elixir came to be.

I noticed that with no marketing and only word-of-mouth to reach potential customers, the requests for bigger amounts of the Elixir were coming. No one had told me they were giving them to their friends …

A year after the invention, I tried the Elixir myself, and the effects were astounding. I even stopped the car while driving to call my best friend and say, “This stuff works!” She answered, “I told you so.”

That’s when I realized Morganna’s Alchemy could become a business. The whole thing quickly became a family affair, with my children always helping to make small samples and products.

Today Morganna’s Alchemy is being distributed in many countries such as France (where Morganna’s Alchemy products were the top-selling skin care products on the French shopping channel ‘M6 Boutique’), Estonia, Poland, Romania, Haiti, Canada, Martinique, and Guadeloupe, all while being developed and manufactured in beautiful sunny Florida USA.

Picture by Seadbeady

24 Carrot Glow Encapsulated Astaxanthin + Bakuchiol Skin Moisturizer

Our 24 Carrot Glow Super Cream is great for even the most sensitive skin types. It will help with dullness, its orange color will make the skin glow.

The red-orange color is because of a powerful active ingredient: Astaxanthin, which is a powerful antioxidant, more potent and stable than Vitamin C or E obtained from Red algae. This active ingredient is the most effective free radical scavenger.

Astaxanthin helps our skin with premature aging and the formation of wrinkles. It reduces UV-induced damage and improves the regenerative capacity of the skin.

This natural complex (astaxanthin with ß-carotene, lutein, canthaxanthin, …) of components contained in algal biomass creates a synergistic effect that involves high bioavailability

Astaxanthin aids skin from the free radical damage that speeds up skin aging. It counteracts UV damage and improves elasticity via improved skin function. It promotes collagen production.

Sustainably sourced Super antioxidant Bakuchiol is a safe alternative to retinol that helps smooth fine lines and reduces dark spots and signs of sun damage. Bakuchiol improves the firmness and elasticity of the skin, giving you a more youthful appearance. It significantly reduced blemishes and other bacterial breakouts when using it. And if you are allergic to retinol, this is the best natural alternative. It doesn’t have all the downsides that retinol brings, such as flaking, itching, redness, or rashes.

Picture by Seadbeady

My opinion on the 24 Carrot Glow Skin Moisturizer

I love the handy pump on top. It’s an orange cream that quickly absorbs into the skin and spreads out easily.

You immediately notice the glow on your skin that’s still noticeable after putting on your make-up. It makes my fine lines appear smaller, so you won’t hear me complaining.

Picture by Seadbeady

The product doesn’t feel greasy at all. I didn’t get any rash or red spots from this product, even though I have rosacea.

Perhaps one slight negative could be the weird scent. Not that it’s that disturbing, and it fades away after a minute or two.

Hope you like my blog…..Until next time…..Have a nice day

Renata (Seadbeady)

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Writers’ Blokke

Fashion and Lifestyle Blogger and huge lover of everything handmade — follow my blog on