How to Set Up Your YearSheet & Leverage it to the Max

Create your North Star

David Andrew Wiebe
Writers’ Blokke


How to Set Up Your YearSheet & Leverage it to the Max
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

Here’s something I’m especially excited about. My YearSheet!

Of course, I recently coined the term, so you probably only have a vague sense of what I’m talking about or why you should be interested.

So, that’s what I’m going to get into here.

What is a YearSheet?

A YearSheet is like a summation of a highly effective general annual meeting — “highly effective” being the key term here since most meetings aren’t.

If you’re a solopreneur, then you would do this meeting by yourself. If you have a small team, you might ask for their input. If you have a mentor or mastermind group, ask for their help. And so forth.

Regardless of your situation, doing an annual review can help you refocus and identify whether you are staying on the rails you’ve laid for yourself or if you’re off in the weeds.

The goal of a YearSheet is to establish a high-level view of what you’re looking to accomplish in your projects in the year ahead, as well as the overall direction you want to be moving in. You’re not reinventing the wheel — you’re just looking for ways to ensure progress in your chosen direction.



David Andrew Wiebe
Writers’ Blokke

Empowering independent artists to share their passion, build devoted fan bases, and turn creativity into income.