How To Write Effectively

Use This Three Step Strategy

Carel Kolchinski
Writers’ Blokke


Antique typewriter and a notepad from Carel Kolchinski
Image by Darkmoon Art from Pixabay

My old English teacher, a grey-haired, dapper dresser who would occasionally forget himself and light up his pipe in the classroom, always advised his students to ‘think first so that you know exactly what you want to say and how you want to say it.”

And he always reminded us that the best way to improve our writing was by reading. Reading helps us to find out what words are the best ones to use, how to use them and in what context.

Sound advice in this age when, apparently, many people hardly read anything at all of any literary value.

But as a writer, you want your writing to be descriptive, imaginative, dynamic and exciting to read. So, how can you achieve this aim?

Obviously, every sentence you write comprises words and the power of words is unquestionable. And your choice of words and their arrangement will always determine the style, meaning and possibly the popularity of your writing.

So, your careful choice of precise words is the key to writing effective sentences. You need to have a good idea of what words will work to best effect and how to use them in your writing.

Here are some basic rules for choosing the right words.

The Importance Of Working Words



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