How We Made Way for Bullshit Content

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Beyond Boundaries
Writers’ Blokke


Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and so many more. Today, we have an abundance of platforms to share and consume content. The internet has come a long way. Old platforms have died, and new ones were born in the meantime. As Nas famously said:

A baby’s being born; same time a man is murdered — the beginning and end.

Over time a whole online culture has shifted and paved the way for bullshit content.

Image by Larisa-K ( in pixabay with uncreative edit by author.
Image by Larisa-K in pixabay with uncreative edit by author.

Why did this happen?

With the rise of famous YouTubers like PewDiePie and Influencers alike, a whole generation understood — pursuing a passion can make a lot of money. We don’t need the secure job that our parents and teachers preached about. And by the way, who would want to go through this modern-day gauntlet of job interviews, anyway? Just to work for somebody who would fire you at a whim as soon as someone with a lower salary comes around the corner.

So instead we followed our dreams….

What was that? I need to be consistent to make it online? But man, what am I going to post?

It’s hard to find an answer as an underaged kid who still goes to school and has seen nothing of the world yet. They say struggle builds character. I think, instead, it’s…



Beyond Boundaries
Writers’ Blokke

Top Writer in Productivity. Productivity, programming, and Engineering Blogs. Strong focus on tech. Ph.D. student.