Hybrid Job

Aamer Kahawish
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2022

I really like the balance.

Photo by [Mimi Thian] from {Unsplash}

I’ve always complained about going 5 days a week to work, staying there for 8 hours at least. That made me feel like under arrest.

Since, who likes feeling reluctantly going to such a place where he needs to follow up with tasks and complete them? Not only, but also keep in touch with clients and contact persons from different places/companies.

These things I mentioned above, and many other things pushed me to start thinking about leaving my job and starting my own business. Yes, I’m still looking towards this but the point is that nowadays I don’t feel that stress. I’m not looking for leaving my current job as soon as possible as I felt in my previous one.

What is the point though?

The point is that I currently work in a hybrid mode. I go three days a week to the office and I work the other two days from home. When I’m not at the office, I sometimes choose to go to a place that I also like being at, in order to work from there. I sometimes go to the library, a coffee shop, workspace, and such places that allow you do your job.

I like this balance because I actually break the routine that can kill me.

Still, I didn’t stop thinking about having my own business, but currently, I see that I have enough time to design my needs deeply and study things properly.

My advice to you

Think about different ways that help you break the routine in your current job. Try to have new creative ways to not get bored in your current job. This will help you be able to think about your personal needs better and easier.

Good Luck in your next station



Aamer Kahawish
Writers’ Blokke

Many thing to be said … and here I’m arranging my thoughts to become stories worth publishing