I Just Wrote a Fiction Short-story, Here’s My Strategy

the 4 tips that helped me overcome my fears and write a killer story

David J. Meyer
Writers’ Blokke


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On Writing Fiction

I just finished my first draft of my longest short story to date! I started writing short stories about 2 years ago. Before that, I wrote articles and “blog” posts of things I’ve learned, noticed, or otherwise observed. I love that style of writing, don’t get me wrong!

But there is something fun and freeing about fiction!

I highly encourage you to try it! Some writers assume they can’t do it, it’s a waste of time, or it makes no money. I say who cares! Just give it a shot and see what happens!

Anyways, all that to say, I am not a master of fiction by any means. I am as beginner as they come. I entered a fiction piece into a contest on Vocal and lost. I knew I’d lose. I knew I didn’t stand a chance, but I still had hope of being recognized as the next great Stephen King.

To be fair, I think the audience



David J. Meyer
Writers’ Blokke

Husband. Writer. Founder of Biblit. Creator of short stories, poetry, blogs, and more. More info at: davidjmeyer.press