I Orgasm Every Time I Train My Core and I Like It — Here Is What Increases the Odds of an Arousing Workout for You Too.

Yes…exercise-induced orgasms (so-called coregasms) are a thing.

Janine Friedrich
Writers’ Blokke
4 min readAug 14, 2021


Photo created by standret on freepik

And if you’re up for having a little more fun of your own while working out your abs, hang on, I’ll tell you all about it.

First of all: It is more common than people would think — it’s just that nobody really talks about this stuff. But I do because it is nothing to be ashamed of. It actually is something to be amazed about. Our bodies are truly magnificent. Research says that as many as one in ten women have accidentally experienced coregasms during a workout session. It can apparently happen to men also, but most studies have been focusing on women so far. And I bet that a lot more people (including you) could enjoy the pleasure themselves if only they knew it was possible and what makes it more likely to experience it.

My Happy-Core-Workout-Era started about four years ago.

One day, during my regular core workout session, I had another feeling join me quite unexpectedly. I remember doing hanging leg raises in the gym — an exercise for the lower abdominal muscles. And for some reason, I was up for a challenge that day. I thought to myself: “Screw my workout plan, I can do more than 4 sets of 20 reps.”

Honestly, I didn’t know if I was able to, but I was so pumped up to at least give it a try. Set five was the hardest one, obviously, and I could only just raise my legs by tensing my core muscles to the maximum contraction. I was already feeling my upcoming muscle hangover as I suddenly became aware of another sensation rising up in the depth of my lower abdomen and my genital area.

At first, I was like: Oh my God… I know that feeling… and it doesn’t belong in the gym. But then I thought: No way…I am not really about to come right now, am I? So I kept going to see what would happen…

And holy sh*t. It only took a couple of more reps for me to experience that unexpected and quite mind-blowing coregasm. I couldn’t decide if I was shocked, fascinated or both. After googling and learning about the existence of this phenomenon, I tried again and oh boy, it felt good indeed.

Scientists still aren’t entirely sure how exactly coregasms happen and what is responsible for this enjoyable side effect. Concerning women, their theory says that from being all shaky and tired after too many reps contracting and tightening abdominal muscles lead to contracting and tightening pelvic floor muscles which then provoke an inner stimulation. For men, they say, it may be caused by prostate stimulation. It also depends on our body’s anatomy, our state of mind, the strength of our muscles, as well as the exercises we do. As a result, it can be totally different to all of us.

But what scientists are certain about, however, is that coregasms occur without sexual thoughts. Of course, we can also experience them with such thoughts.

On that note, as promised, here are some tips that might help you reach a coregasm:

Increase your odds of having a coregasm

1. Cardio training beforehand improves blood circulation and might also increase your arousal.

2. Try out different exercises for the lower abdominals and find out what might work for you. The following exercises are oftentimes associated with a woman’s corgasmic experiences: hanging leg raises (my go-to), crunches (any variation), Russian twist, leg lifts while on the floor, hip thrusts, … Sit-ups, pull-ups and chin-ups are apparently more likely to make a man come during the workout.

3. Do more than you think you can. Challenge yourself. As far as I can tell, I might have never experienced a coregasm if I wouldn’t have pushed myself beyond my physical limits.

4. Become aware of your breathing. Take deep belly breaths as you start to feel pleasure building up inside. When you feel yourself getting closer to climax, breathe faster and pulse your pelvic floor muscles.

5. Help yourself with sexual fantasies if needed. Or just look over to that hot personal trainer who doesn’t know your dirty little secret (yet?).

6. Don’t worry. No one will notice. Even if you’d moan, who could tell if it comes from exertion or pleasure? So no need to hold back. Everyone around is quite busy with themselves anyway.

7. Do core exercises at the end of your training. Why? It is quite tiring and your legs can get all shaky. Also, your body responds the same way as it would during other arousing situations when you masturbate or have sex — in other words: there is a good chance that you might get wet. It’s only natural.

To come to the climax (pun intended), I guess there is only one more thing left to say: I wish you a pleasant abdominal workout. Enjoy!

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Janine Friedrich
Writers’ Blokke

Passionate writer & poet. Topics: Spirituality, Body Mind & Soul, Sexuality, Health, Self-Compassion, Personal Development.