I Sat For An Hour & Half And Could Write Only 12 Sentences!

I am an okay writer and no; I did not have writer’s block — it was the doorbell.

Lipika Sahu
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readJun 16, 2022


Image: Pexels

Lend your shoulder to this poor writer/mother who just wants some peace and quiet in the house to write her heart out.

With the pandemic appearing to wean off, schools and offices are back offline over here (India). So, with my ever-dropping-by husband and always-in-need-of-something daughter out of the house, I was happy I would have loads of undisturbed virgin time to myself.

That’s what I thought.

And, this is what (actually) happened yesterday.

[Let me say out loud- the timeline is not exact, because I do not maintain a writing log. But I remember the start & end times, and all this happened in between.

I have put rough timings to give the story a flow.]

9:05 am-TING TONG

“Must be the delivery guy.” (Ordered some t-shirts; the sale is on)

It was the milk delivery guy. I took the packets, rinsed them, and stocked them in the fridge.

Irritation level: Zero. Nada. I am a calm person. I meditate, you see. (slight smirk)

Back at my desk.

9:15 am- TING TONG

“Ah, the delivery guy.”

It was the delivery guy! Took the package, sanitized it, and tried the t-shirt. Good fit. Yooho.

Irritation level: Minus ten. For the t-shirts! Got great ones for cheap.

Back to the pavilion.

9:21 am- TING TONG


It was the return-pickup guy. For my husband’s shirt (also thanks to the sale). Handed over the package and waited at the door while he checked the tags. All okay.

Irritation level: Ten. Everyone has to order, but nobody receives or returns them. I am the designated person.

Had a glass of water, checked some messages, and went back.

9:40 am- TING TONG

“What is wrong with everyone today?”

It was my (new) neighbor. They have recently shifted to the new house and came to invite us for the housewarming ceremony (griha-pooja) the next day. Some cordial exchange of words and goodbye happened.

Irritation level: Fifteen. Have to get a gift by tomorrow afternoon now. Couldn’t have invited a little earlier!

Had doubts about whether I should go back to writing. Then Mom called. Had a short conversation and was back to work.

10:10 am- TING TONG

“Why did she (the cook) come early today? Will tell her to go back. But then, I will have to do it myself….”

It was the garbage collection guy of the society. “No garbage today!?”

Many retorts came to my mind like, “I ate everything rather than throw them away”; but I just said no.

Irritation level: Fifty. God is conspiring against me or is definitely testing my patience.

By then, I was pissed off. I made some tea for myself and came back.

10:30 am- TING TONG


It was the cook. I gave her some instructions and went on to take a bath.

Irritation level: ‘Beeeep’ (censored). Meditation also gave up.

All I have to say

The biggest challenge as a writer is getting some wholesome time to write.

But I am not giving up. I will find my time and have already devised a plan. Will share soon enough.

For now, I have to go get ready to attend the housewarming ceremony.


