I Stopped Writing for Two Weeks and This Happened

Why I took a break

Writers’ Blokke


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Why the break

Honestly, I needed a break. I have a 4-month old baby daughter at home. She’s fantastic but it doesn’t get any quieter around the house. Also, over the holidays, my older boys were home all day, without Kindergarten. Which means they needed a lot of playing time.

But that’s not the real reason why I stopped writing for more than two weeks. To be honest, I started to get a little burnt out. I’d rather stop before a complete burnout to not lose the enjoyment. A break works wonders here.

Another major reason was some medical problems. I got diagnosed with borreliosis in early December. Or Lyme disease as you English-natives like to call it. Since I didn’t notice anything until symptoms appeared, I might have had Lyme disease for quite a while. And that’s not great.

Apart from that, my wife and my kids also got sick. A stomach bug and an ear infection. Fun times as a father of 5.

What happened during the break

Before my break, I was on a roll. My views were on their way to hitting 50,000 that month (December).

But can you guess what happened when I stopped writing for two weeks?



Writers’ Blokke

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