I Want to Collaborate With You — Let’s Make Cool Stuff Together!

Let’s collaborate, reach more people, and become better writers.

Nia Simone McLeod
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Charles Nunes from Pexels

I want to collaborate with you, fellow Medium user. I’m in awe of the talent on Medium. I’d love to link up (virtually) with fellow Medium users and create something together, whether it’s an article, publication, fiction piece, YouTube video, talk show on Twitch, whatever.

I’ve been yearning to work with like-minded creatives ever since I watched Showtime’s docuseries on the hip-hop collective Wu-Tang Clan. It amazed me that so many talented, young, hungry, like-minded people were in one place and agreed to be in this group.

They drove each other to do better and be better, which led to incredible results. Since then, I’ve been passively waiting around — hoping I’d randomly stumble upon my Wu-Tang Clan.

Now, I’m tired of waiting. I’m ready to put myself out there.

So, hi. My name is Nia. Let’s create something awesome.

Here’s a little bit about me:

On Medium, I often write about pop culture (movies, television, video games, internet culture, etc.), race, and writing craft. I also write fiction, mostly on my publication coiled.



Nia Simone McLeod
Writers’ Blokke

Writer covering whatever piques my interest | she/her | Subscribe to my newsletter: https://ohwrite.substack.com/welcome