I Was Forced to Take a Break from Writing

And I ended up growing so much more as a writer

Jerren Gan
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

As a person who earns an income from writing, my drive to write is innately linked to how much I can earn from writing.

Sure, I know many writers claim that they write because of passion and a drive to share knowledge and lessons learnt. And I do that sometimes. Every once in a while, I write passion pieces on topics I simply want to explore. I also understand that for many, showing up and simply writing something daily is a way to get better as a writer.

Just search online for advice on how to become a better writer and 90% of the articles would mention something about dedicating time to write daily.

But most of the time, to me, freelance writing and blogging on places like Medium is very much a job that needs doing because it pays.

I spend time planning and creating content that attracts the attention of as many readers as possible. I mull over word choices and catchy phrases to ensure that the marketing material I create is effective. I make sure that blog articles I write for others are SEO-optimized.

If I wasn’t paid, I would not do any of these at all.

And for a long while, this arrangement worked. I spent most of my writing time writing…



Jerren Gan
Writers’ Blokke

Systems Engineer and Physicist | Writing about the environment, mental health, science, and how all of them come together to create society as we know it.