I Will Never Do Another Writing Challenge
Here’s What I’ll Do Instead
Since I decided to seriously dive into the vast ocean that is online writing, I have been searching for ways to help get my pen moving and fill up pages. I have read copious amounts of advice about how to become a more productive writer and stumbled upon a 30-day writing challenge. Being the procrastinator that I am, I thought this would be a great way to light a fire beneath me and get my writing life into high gear.
Before then, I would wait until the gods of inspiration decided to come knocking. Since they cannot be counted on to appear consistently, I needed to cultivate self-discipline and establish a routine. “You must write every day!” the more seasoned writers proclaim. Easier said than done.
I started with the best of intentions. My pledge was written and broadcasted out into the interwebs; I pledged to write 20 articles in 30 days. With my Google spreadsheet laid out with various publications and links to their submissions guidelines, I was off to the races! Or so I thought.
Whether life got in the way or the gods of inspiration didn’t appear, I failed the challenge. Of the 20 articles I pledged to write, I managed to squeeze out six. As the deadline approached, I knew I wasn’t going to make it. However, I still managed to embrace the…