If We Can’t Recreate The Great Pyramid At Giza Then How Did The Egyptians Accomplish Such A Magnificent Feat And Was There An Advanced Civilization That Helped

Jason Morton
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
5 min readJan 20, 2022


L-BBE, CC BY 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

For centuries, the ancient pyramids of Giza, have been a source of amazement and spectacle for people around the world. At 455 feet tall, the Great Pyramid, thought to have been built by Pharaoh Kufu around the year 2550 BC, was once the largest structure on Earth.

Scientists over the years have studied the Great Pyramid and pondered what it must have taken at that time to construct such a wonder. Many believe that it took 20,000 workers 20 years to finish the Great Pyramid. This would be an astounding task when our history shows that they only used wooden implements with ropes and pulleys. Due to there being such detail and precision alignments of the pyramid, it’s hard to believe that such a magnificent structure could be completed in 20 years with so few people and such limited tools and resources of that period.

Despite all the study and examination by scientists, exactly how the pyramid was built remains a mystery. With modern-day tools and know-how, scientists have not determined a way to recreate the pyramids, even on smaller scales, with the same precisions as those who built the originals. The technology to do so, in that era, simply didn’t…



Jason Morton
Writers’ Blokke

Currently, I'm a telecom tech, a grandfather, and fighting cancer. I enjoy writing and sharing opinions. I stumbled into some knowledge along my journey.