If You Are Alive, You Are Creative

What to remember when you get Imposter Syndrome about your writing

Sophie F
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Adam Flockemann on Unsplash

Whether you like to write, paint, dance, or make mundane daily decisions like whether to have avocado and marmite on toast or just avocado on toast, everyone is creative. It is the nature of being human. Maybe you haven’t ever really thought of yourself as a phenomenal creator of life, but hear me out before you give a wave of dismissal. I can guarantee that even you fit the description in some way too.

Look around you, maybe you’re at home and you can move your eyes over the objects in the room. You might see a table and chairs, a kitchen bench, a bed, some photos or paintings on the walls, a wallpaper of some shade of colour or type of pattern, whatever the floor is made of, and so much more. Aside from perhaps a plant or two, you will notice that all of the things you see have been designed by people, who aren’t all that different from you.

Yes, most of us don’t spend much time on specific projects we might call ‘creative endeavours’, sure, but the scope of creativity is as large as life itself.

Every thought, every decision, is caused by the neurons in your brain firing away, joining others with new shoots off the original cells. How amazing is that?! Your brain is amazing, which makes you

