If you like IKIGAI, here are the next 3 books you should read.

Priyanka Rana
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2022
myself with my copy of IKIGAI

Ikigai is a Japanese word that means “finding a reason to live” or “finding what makes life worth living.”

Ikigai, a book by Japanese author Hector Garcia, is a delightfully short and straightforward non-fiction read that can assist you in finding a sense of fulfillment and happiness in your life and job. It contains some priceless lessons learned through the author’s research on centenarians and their daily routines.

Ikigai re-energized me with useful information and served as a reminder of several habits I knew I needed to maintain in order to live a happy life. Because of my newfound interest in Japanese culture, I set out to read other books like Ikigai.

Each of these books has unique lessons for changing a certain element of your life with long-term and rewarding consequences.

Number 1:- The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down: How to be Calm in a Busy World

The world moves at a breakneck speed, but that doesn’t mean we have to keep up.

Haemin Sunim, a Buddhist monk born in Korea but educated in the United States, has created this timely mindfulness guideline. Through this meaningful book, which combines his teachings with serene and soothing full-color illustrations, he offers advice on everything from dealing with failures/stumbling blocks to dealing with relaxation and relationships.

Haemin Sunim’s humble letters, which he began writing after responding to advise requests on social media, openly discuss the fears that have become a part of modern living. They serve as a reminder of the power and joy that comes from doing things slowly.

Number 2 :- The Key to Happiness: How to Find Purpose by Unlocking the Secrets of the World’s Happiest People

Meik Wiking understands happiness like no one else. He has traveled the world interviewing the world’s happiest people to determine the main ingredients of happiness in his job as Founder and CEO of the world’s only Happiness Research Institute.

Meik discusses the secret jewels that can boost your happiness and categorizes them into the six building blocks of happiness: togetherness, money, health, kindness, trust, and freedom. He offers actionable suggestions for each happiness block, such as starting a tool-sharing program in your neighborhood or leaving a surprise gift on a stranger’s doorstep.

Number 3 :- Wabi Sabi: Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life by Beth Kempton

Wabi-Sabi is a Japanese aesthetics concept that teaches us to find beauty in ugliness or imperfection. It teaches us to enjoy the little things in life and to accept the fact that everything changes.

We live the best of our lives when we live in harmony with nature, appreciating it and flowing in time with it.

Our present lifestyles are characterised by a rapid pace and a high level of stress connected with keeping up with it. We’re busy and overloaded, and despite our best efforts, we’re as dissatisfied as we’ve ever been. So, in the middle of all this craziness, how can the Japanese maintain their elegance and calm?

The ageless wisdom of wabi sabi, with origins in zen and the way of tea, is more important than ever for modern living, as we seek fresh ways to face life’s challenges and purpose beyond materialism.

Wabi sabi is a rejuvenating antidote to our fast-paced, consumerism-driven world, encouraging you to calm down, reconnect with nature, and be kinder to yourself.

Wabi sabi will show you how to find more joy and inspiration throughout your perfectly imperfect existence, from honouring the seasons to making a pleasant home, from reframing failure to ageing with grace.



Priyanka Rana
Writers’ Blokke

Entrepreneur, Visual Storyteller, Virtual Reality Enthusiast. Founder of Marketing Agency @ www.peppyproduction.com and Co-creator @ whatheVRAR YT channel.