I’m Still Aiming to Get a 100% Score From Grammarly Premium

The best I can achieve is 99%, which makes me wonder if I should give up on that goal

Jim Farina
Writers’ Blokke


Photo Courtesy of Author

I can’t even write a simple headline and subhead without triggering the little alert suggestions popping up in my Grammarly app.

In my example above, I could get the extra point to get me to 100%. But that would mean I’d have to insert a period at the end of a title. I’m not going to do that. I will suffer the 99%, as not to break the fundamental rules of format structure.

Don’t get me wrong — I really love how the Grammarly tool has changed my life. I recently gave myself a gift of upgrading to Grammarly’s Premium package after test-driving it for the trial period. It’s one of those decisions that, at first, had me struggling with the extra offerings being that of a luxury or necessity.

It turned out to be one of those life-changing enhancements where I declared that I will never go back to being without it now that I wielded its power. I’m glad to see that many publications are now including affiliate links to Grammarly in their guidelines.

I suspect editors love it and can tell when writers are using it. Even now, as I’m writing this piece, I’m seeing a smiling little emoji hugging itself on the…

