I’m Submitting 30 Articles to 30 Pubs in 30 Days

My mission: 250 new followers and $250+ in income

David Majister
Writers’ Blokke


Illustration by stories from Freepik (Freepik License)

There’s been a lot of interest in the Challenge. You can find the details on how to take part here:

You can see the results of my original Challenge here:

Now, onto the original article.

I‘m starting a Medium 30-Day Writing Challenge, and you’re invited. The aim of the Challenge is to:

  • Get new followers — my goal is 250 new followers.
  • Network with other writers — and build valuable connections with some of the best writers on Medium.
  • Increase income — my aim is to make March my biggest earning month yet.



David Majister
Writers’ Blokke

10x top writer. World traveler (26 countries). Runner (1k+ miles). Meditator (9.5k minutes). Introvert. Wild swimmer. Story maker.