Importance Of Graphic Design In Marketing


Scalenut AI
Writers’ Blokke
5 min readSep 28, 2021


People have access to limitless information on virtually every topic today. The proliferation of high-speed internet across the world has its caveats. For one, the attention span of humans is shortening at an alarming rate. The endless internet surfing has led us to a place where we are reluctant to focus on a particular thing for long.

The abundance of information and the shortening attention span has led to content marketers fighting for every second of our time in hyper-competitive markets. And rightly so. Many look to graphic design to differentiate themselves from the competition and attract consumer attention for more extended periods.

According to cognitive research, our brain favours visual graphics for long-term memories. As much as 65% of the total population is deemed as visual learners. These people are attracted to and engaged by eye-catching creative elements. Hence, the importance of graphic design in social media marketing is a reality of the information age.

Social media platforms such as Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are valuable consumer touchpoints. Companies target an international audience through these platforms. Hence, it is crucial to make a lasting first impression in hyper-competitive environments.

Attract Your Audience Without Fail

Good graphic design for marketing will attract your target audience without fail. After all, visual information is processed 60,000 times faster than text. From ancient cave paintings to social media posts today, we rely on visual cues to understand topics.

Organisations must employ professional graphic design resources to attract their target audience successfully. It is an effective tool that helps communicate company messages in a way that consumers love.

Creates Brand Recall

An excellent graphic design follows a set of colour palettes and design sense to establish consistency among different creatives. Simply positioning a logo on everything does not accomplish anything. Strategic graphic design helps create massive brand recall with every creative element.

Graphical representations like images, banners, and posts create a consistent brand perception among your audience. Irrespective of the size and success of your organisation, if your graphic design is constant, it will create remunerative recall value. Establish brand guidelines such as colours, typography, and style to build value from graphic design for marketing success.

Bring Visitors to Your Website

If done right, graphic design invokes a cognitive and emotional response from the viewer. Cognitively, the person interacts with your content and gets the information your graphic design wants to share. Emotionally, graphic designs help your messages stimulate the desired reaction from the customer.

Good graphic design will attract, engage, and direct customers to take action and visit your website. Whether you are launching a new product or just introducing a version update, graphical representation of your messages will inspire customer action almost instantly.

Product Showcase

Simply posting a photo of your product will yield no results. However, if you designed a particular post to showcase your products, the results might be different. Graphic designers can create showcase posts that catch user attention and inspire their perception of your brand.

Your brand’s look and feel in an internet world are more important than the textual proof of quality. Hire professional graphic design resources to create product showcases that push viewers to know more about your brand.

Target Digital Natives

Digital native is a term that refers to the tech-savvy millennial population born in the information age. They are a majority in today’s buying population. Companies are fighting for the attention of this mass customer segment.

The most logical way of doing this is to connect with digital natives through eye-catching graphic design. Millennials have a natural inclination towards illustrations, infographics, GIFs, and videos. The meme generation buys what attracts them, and graphic design is an ideal way to do that.

How to Create the Best Graphic Designs

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

By now, you must have realised the importance of graphic design for marketing. From marketing campaigns to everyday communication, a hint of graphic design improves brand messaging. Here are a few steps to create the best graphic designs:

  • Understand Your Audience

The most important thing and the most obvious is understanding your audience. However, this crucial step is different for every category. For graphic design, understanding your audience means knowing their preferences. Do they like bright colours or dark? How do they relate to our brand?

  • Identify Visual Cues

Visual cues are strategic elements in every creative that nudge viewers to taking the desired action. Swipe ups, shares, saves, likes are all results of a combination of emotional and cognitive responses. So find that arrow, heart, or icon to act as visual cues for your graphic designs.

  • Finalise Typography

Text is not irrelevant. Typography plays a vital role in bridging the gap between purely visual elements and the intended messages. Finalise the fonts, line height, and letter spacing that will define your brand online.

  • Create the Package

Now that you understand the audience, collect your visual cues, and finalise the typography, the next step is to combine these graphic elements into a bouquet for your audience. Experiment with sizes, colour combinations, and message flow of your graphic design. Fix on something which does not overwhelm the audience but at the same time gets your message across to them.

  • Share it Aggressively

Ask all your employees and team members to share your content as much as they can. Involve the heads of departments and share your content aggressively. But be wise, for instance, do not share copies of your social media post from individual accounts. Share the official account post on stories.


Graphic design is the backbone of social media marketing and online presence. It helps attract and engage an audience overwhelmed with options. Follow your industry’s social media trends, hashtags, and news to get the next big graphic design idea. And if everything seems too much to handle, outsource the leg-work to Scalenut.

Get all your graphic design needs with experienced graphic designers that understand the importance of visual and brand messaging.



Scalenut AI
Writers’ Blokke

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