Internet Marketing Strategies That Provide Positive Results

Three very important components for a successful online business.

Frank Wesley
Writers’ Blokke


In order to succeed with an online business, you must have three important ingredients:

  1. An excellent product
  2. An online site created and ready for sales
  3. An organized, specific plan for marketing

I will assume that you already have a great product and a professionally designed website. If not, get that in order first.

Now let’s talk about marketing strategy.

There are two phases to successful Internet marketing and several ingredients to each phase.

The first phase is a short-term approach.

A short-term marketing approach is quite important but it is one that provides only a short jump in website traffic.

This approach, although effective, is short-term. Yes, it may bring you immediate traffic, but it will be short-lived.

Keep in mind that this approach provides only temporary website traffic.

This cannot be relied on for long-term productivity. Your overall marketing approach needs to be more consistent.



Frank Wesley
Writers’ Blokke

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