Invisible Strings Under the Office Lights: A Journey Through Bosses’ Manipulation

The puppet masters behind the desks

Sam Letterwood
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readOct 24, 2023


Photo by Sivani Bandaru on Unsplash

We’ve all danced to the tunes of bosses, their subtle moves shaping our actions and decisions.

But have you ever wondered about the strings attached?

Let’s unravel the veiled world of workplace manipulation. We’ve all been there, in offices suffocated by fluorescent lights and the lingering scent of ambition.

Behind the smiles and the suits, bosses often wield their power through tactics that leave us questioning our worth. This isn’t just my story; it’s the silent anthem of countless employees. So, grab your coffee, lean back, and let’s dive into the intricacies of these puppet masters.

The Illusion of Appreciation

Amidst the mundane humdrum of office life, appreciation seemed like a rare gem.

Every pat on the back felt like a fleeting moment of glory, until I realized it was a tactic.

Bosses, with practiced smiles, would dole out compliments like confetti, creating a facade of a nurturing environment.

But beneath the sugar-coated words, lay a sinister intention. The praise, I realized, wasn’t genuine but a clever manipulation, leaving me questioning my capabilities.

The Guilt Trip Express

A guilt trip express, running non-stop in your mind, fueled by your boss’s words.

“Can you work late today? I mean, if you really care about the project…”

The guilt trip, a favorite tactic, hit me like a freight train.

Suddenly, saying ‘no’ felt like a betrayal, a sign of incompetence. Doubt clouded my thoughts; was I doing enough? Was I ever enough? The manipulation played with my self-worth, leaving me mentally exhausted. Can you see it!

The Art of Gaslighting

Gaslighting, the art of making you doubt your reality, became a sinister norm.

Innocuous comments turned into manipulative mind games.

“Are you sure I said that? Maybe you misunderstood.”

Doubt crept in like a thief in the night, stealing my confidence. Gaslighting wasn’t just a manipulation; it was a shroud of confusion, leaving me wondering if I could trust my own perceptions.

The Passive-Aggressive Parade

Ah, the passive-aggressive emails and comments — a subtle, yet powerful manipulation tool.

Each sentence dripped with honeyed poison, leaving a bitter aftertaste.

“I appreciate your effort, but…”

The ‘but’ hung in the air like a storm cloud, overshadowing any semblance of achievement.

Doubt gnawed at my confidence; was my work ever good enough? The passive-aggressive parade made sure I second-guessed every move. As horrible as it can be!

The ‘Friendly’ Favor

Bosses, with their seemingly friendly gestures, often dangled favors like carrots, expecting compliance in return.

“I’m sure you wouldn’t mind working this weekend, right? Just this once?”

The ‘friendly’ favor, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, made me question boundaries. Saying ‘no’ felt like a betrayal, a breach of loyalty. I found myself entangled in a web of obligations, doubting if my personal life had any value.

The Fear-Fueled Compliance

Fear, the most potent weapon in the manipulation arsenal, cast a long shadow over my confidence.

Fear of job loss, fear of disappointing my boss, fear of being labeled difficult — it all played out in my mind like a horror movie.

Compliance became my shield against these fears, but it also chipped away at my self-esteem. Was I staying because I wanted to or because I was afraid to leave? The line blurred, and my confidence wavered.

Cutting the Strings and Embracing Freedom

I am sharing my tale of manipulation and self-doubt, hoping it resonates with you. We’ve all been puppets, but recognizing the strings is the first step to freedom.

It’s time to cut those strings, stand tall, and embrace our worth.

“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.” — Maya Angelou

Let’s refuse to be reduced. Let’s reclaim our confidence, one self-assured step at a time.

In the face of manipulation, recognizing your worth and setting boundaries are acts of empowerment. Don’t let the tactics of others define your value or dictate your actions.



Sam Letterwood
Writers’ Blokke

Science enthusiast, Knowledge seeker, Meditation and yoga practitioner, Life-long learner