Is Listening to Audiobooks Hard for You? If So, You’re Not Alone

Tips for Improving Your Audiobook Experience

K.B. Bailey
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Joyce Busola on Unsplash

Listening to audiobooks can be a great way to get more reading done, especially if your eyes are tired after a long day of staring at screens! However, it can be challenging for some people–even avid readers– to stay focused on an audiobook.

I am one of those people who has a problem staying engaged with audiobooks even though I devour print books. Over the weekend, I took to Twitter to ask the #WritingCommunity who else has this problem. And let me tell you, if you’re someone who has trouble paying attention to audiobooks, you shouldn’t worry because you’re not alone.

As you can see, at the time I captured this, the post had over 600 replies. While not all commenters have difficulties enjoying audiobooks, it’s obviously a problem many of us face!

Why Do Some People Have Trouble Staying Engaged with Audiobooks?

Personally, I have a hard time staying engaged with an audiobook unless it’s my sole focus. So far, the only way I’ve made it through an audiobook in its entirety is by listening to it alone after dinner.

After dinner, I have no other obligations and can give the book 15 minutes to an…



K.B. Bailey
Writers’ Blokke

K.B. Bailey is a freelance and fiction writer who lives in Colorado. Visit or follow @kbwriter24 on social media.