Is Oversharing On Social Media Necessary

Sharing your life for views.

Veena Vijayakumar
Writers’ Blokke
2 min readNov 8, 2022


A girl recording herself.
Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels

We might not know our next-door neighbor, but we certainly know someone living 20,000 miles away from us through social media. Everyone shares their stories so it makes us feel that we know them. These days everything goes viral but is it credible?

All Experiences are not Worth Sharing

I feel there is a kind of peculiarity in sharing your whole life with the world. Now there is an abundance of videos online containing personal info, but I don't see the need for it to be publicized to the rest of the world. The idea is that don't try to sell everything that you see, if you see something that can help others, then do share.

Face-to-face communication is long dead and replaced with tweets, comments, like, and share. Before we used to talk to people and build a rapport with them. Now is there no building real connections, maybe smile at people I know because later I could see what they are doing through social media without even striking up a conversation in real life.

Know When to Share

I feel that sometimes people should keep certain things to themselves. I want to know the people around me, not someone 20,000 miles away. What we see with our eyes physically and on the internet are two different things and I trust the former. It’s good that people have a platform to share their stories and ideas that promotes inclusivity but I don't want to know each and every updates that are happening in your life, save that for your family and friends!

