It’s Time to End Your Struggle with Writing

Say Goodbye to Writer’s Block

Isabel Young
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readOct 14, 2021


Photo by Luca Laurence on Unsplash

The struggle of writing is a common one for many professionals. It doesn’t matter if you’re a journalist or a blogger, there will come a time when you’ll need to write that next article, blog post, or essay.

Ever find yourself struggling to find a topic to write about?

It’s possible that you don’t know where to start or you just need a little bit of help.

Generate More Ideas:

1)Build A Routine: One of the best ways to overcome writer’s block is to build a routine for yourself as well as your writing habits. This way you can avoid those moments when you need to start writing and don’t know where to start.

2) Inspiration — There are different ways to get inspired for writing. One way is to find a great piece of writing, read it and think about why you enjoyed it so much. Another way is to find a good article on the topic that you are choosing for your own research paper or article. You can use this as inspiration for your own work.

3) Brainstorm with Yourself: If you start having writer’s block, try brainstorming with yourself. Write down any and every idea that pops into your head, even if they seem silly or irrelevant at first. You never know what spark might light your creative fuse!

4) Take a Break: If nothing comes to your mind after your brainstorming session, this is a sign that you need to take a break. Your mind needs to relax so that you can get creative again. Time outs are important.

5) What do I want my reader to learn? You don’t need to be an expert in your field to write content that educates and informs. It is the responsibility of the author to communicate concisely and clearly enough so that his or her reader can understand.

A good writing technique is to ask yourself: “What do I want my reader to learn?” This will help you focus on what information you should include in your post and how you should present it.-

6) Who’s your audience?Who are you writing for?

The audience is the most important part of any content. A good writer must be able to identify their audience. More people will read your work if you write to your target audience. Keep reading…

Stop Writer’s Block — Get Creative Again:

Writers often experience what is known as a “writer’s block”. This is the moment when a writer has no idea what to write and he or she cannot come up with any new ideas.

One way of helping writers who have a hard time with writing is by giving them more writing assignments.

Some people find that when they have a deadline they must meet, it seems to get them out of their creative shell.

Another way is to encourage the writer to think about what he or she does outside of work. Once the writer starts thinking about their personal life, they will start coming up with new ideas for content that may not have been there before.

In other words — Challenge Yourself to Write MORE!

Push Yourself to the Next Level.

Final Thoughts: What We’ve Learned from All This

Creativity comes from being open to different experiences and ideas.

When we are constantly bombarded with distractions, it becomes impossible to be truly creative.

This is why creatives go on retreats in order to unplug and give themselves the time and space they need in order to focus on what they do best — their work.

More Inspirations:



Isabel Young
Writers’ Blokke

Motivational, Mindset, Health & Getting Better with Age - Helping people improve what they think and how they feel about themselves.