Joy in Solace

Zy Del Valle
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2022
A person sitting on wooden planks across the lake-scenery
Photo by S Migaj from Pexels

I am seated down by the lake — while the wind blows through my face, as I listen to birds chirping, flying around, and as I look at them, the more I seek the very thing they have at the time — freedom and peace.

That bench is more than what it seems it is. It is where I’m trying to relive the moments I’ve had with the place. And every once in a while, just reminiscing about any memory at all. It is where I make the most of my time apart from anyone.

There is peace, serenity, and joy in solitary.

In this busy world, where we are accompanied to deal with our daily duties; where most of us work at least 8 hours a day, at least 5 days a week. We worry about the bills to pay, our deadlines, our loved ones we need to attend to. It’s understandably stressful at times. And when that moment presents itself, where do we find our bonds of harmony?

Not everyone is built to be by themselves. Some would prefer to go out and party all night and meet peers. And it’s cool, it’s fun. But when you get to experience that calmness, that repose. It could be very addictive.

Eating alone, driving the long way home unaccompanied, going to theaters by yourself, there is a certain kind of pleasure with it. Maybe it’s us running away from this rowdy world. Or perhaps, it’s just plain who you are, or possibly it’s just a part of us — our need to reflect, our need to appreciate silence, our need to stop. There is a sense of amour propre with that.

We get to appreciate ourselves, and unnoticeably, we get to treasure everyone who’s not with us at the time — the people who are there for us every time. But in everything, just like the old saying, too much could lead to something worse.

Being isolated and having our own time should provide balance into our lives, not a turn to the other extreme. We are all relational beings; we need friends, family, or maybe even a stranger to smile with. Indeed no man is an island.

“Me time” for me is a necessity, a fuse that keeps me sane in this troubled world, but solitary is not the place to live a lifetime. An escape? Possibly, but never forget to get back to everyone, to the people you love and who loves you.

After all, it’s a better life being together, friends.



Zy Del Valle
Writers’ Blokke

I love to talk about life, basketball and anything else. I’m also an Electronics Engineer by profession.