Let Our Irises Meet

Where two hearts beat

Amy Christie
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Yoksel 🌿 Zok on Unsplash

In a garden of dreams where irises bloom,
Their petals whisper, dispelling gloom,
Eyes like flowers, deep and true,
Longing to meet, to connect with you.

With hues that capture the essence of the soul,
Drawing you in, making you whole.
Let our gazes lock in a timeless dance,
Two souls connecting in a fleeting glance.

May the irises reflect our inner light,
Guiding us through both day and night.
So let our eyes meet, hearts intertwine,
In this moment, a love divine.

In a garden of dreams, where irises bloom,
Their colors vibrant, reviving heart truth,
I yearn for the moment our gazes align,
A meeting of souls, a connection divine.

With petals like velvet, they beckon to me,
Whispering secrets of what could be,
I’ll wait by the garden, under the sky so blue,
Hoping my irises will meet yours, too.

In fields of dreams where irises bloom,
I long for our gazes to meet in heart home,
Their petals whisper secrets untold,
Of a love story waiting to unfold.

Like stars that twinkle in the night,
Our irises hold each other tight,
Reflecting depths of passion and grace,
A connection time nor space can erase.

Let our souls meet in this tender gaze,
A dance of emotions, like a fiery blaze,
In the language of irises, love speaks true,
Binding our hearts in a bond so new.

So let our irises meet, no words to say,
In that silent moment, come what may,
For in that meeting, we’ll find the key,
To a love that’s meant to forever be.

With hues of passion, they paint the scene,
A canvas of love, serene.
I long for the day our eyes will meet,
In that sacred space where two hearts beat.

So let the irises guide us true,
To a place where dreams and reality touch,
Where love blossoms in hues so deep,
In this garden of promises we shall keep.

© 2024 Amy Christie



Amy Christie
Writers’ Blokke

Dallasite, passionate storyteller and journalist, striving to create meaningful connections. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end”