Let Your Home Be Yours To Love

Simple tips to enjoy your home

Shoba Rao
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readMay 9, 2022


Rodnae Productions on Pexels

The simple, age-old adage, home sweet home, is significant even today.

The different spaces we’ve made for ourselves can make us feel different while being in them. And obviously, home is the place where you seek nothing but comfort and peace. Do we always feel that way at home? You may not be able to change the people around you, though they are family, but you can make little changes in the physical space, cost-effectively, and gift yourself the happiness you so deserve.

Here are some simple tips that can make a happy space called home.

Let your home talk to you

When you enter your home, even the inanimate things around should be able to say welcome home. Have appropriate pictures on your walls, that bring memories, spring feelings, make you happy, or just communicate something warm to you. That is what a home should reflect; warmth and love. Choose what you place in your homes and make sure to take a few moments to acknowledge their presence — everything will have something to tell you.

Allow natural beauty to be part of your home

There are inexpensive but beautiful plants that you can bring home, which help in oxygen circulation. Pick them up and grow them in interesting natural pots, made with clay or any biodegradable material. Window sills, if it gives you enough space, can lend color by placing plants and flowers. Avoiding artificial plants and flowers would be wise, for they emit nothing but negative energy. Patches of greenery and color can undoubtedly give you joy, so bring them in.

Create your cozy corner

You’d like to take a small break, those few minutes just for yourself. Create a space that can give you that comfort. Place the things you love, books of your choice, magazines, affirmation cards, or anything that inspires you, let them be seen around where you can reach them easily. Let there be is at least one takeaway from the things around when you leave your favorite space. That way, it inspires you to come back more often.

Enjoy a family space

Quite often, family members cannot be at the dinner table together. So, waiting for weekends alone can get far spaced. A lounge where the family can get together just for short chats and catch-ups can be fun. Make this space exclusive for the family, this can just be a small area, informal and light. Create a sense of feeling welcome, where conversations can be open and happy, and even if they cannot, let them end on a happy note. If you’ve got pets, let them be part of this little fun get-together.

Let your home smell of you

Aromatherapy is talked about widely today. Different aromas can make you feel different. And what about the aroma of food? Freshly baked bread, the intense flavors of Indian spices, and the subtle relish of simple food; can all add to the welcoming aromas of your home. Incense, candles, or whatever your fancies maybe, have them around you. Do not shy from the aromas you love, it is your home and should be yours to love.

As they say, there is no place like home.

