Let’s Live Long (Poem)

Favour Olumese
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
Jul 5, 2023
Background image: A man teaching a small boy to write. Background text: “We live long when we live with a sense of duty to humanity.” (Favour Olumese)
Image by Freepik

Life is short,
But long.
It is short because
We have about a hundred and twenty years.

Yet it is long because
We can impact generations
To come through the actions
And decisions we make.

No one ought to live
For oneself alone,
Because we live long
When we live with others in mind;

We live long
When we strive to be of impact to others;
We live long
When we live with a sense of duty to humanity.

But we live short
When we live for ourselves alone,
Even if we were to spend a thousand years.
No one was made for themselves;
We are made for each other.

Let’s live long.

Background image: Hands joined together and painted to form the shape of love. Background text: “We live long when we live with a sense of duty to humanity.” (Favour Olumese).
Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash



Favour Olumese
Writers’ Blokke

Favour Olumese is a lover of the creative use of words who utilises poetry & non-fiction to relate humanity and divinity in this ticking phase called life.