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Letter to Self

Writers’ Blokke
Published in
2 min readSep 22, 2021


Spilling out feelings.

Dear you,

Do you know, as a child you were much more independent than you are right at this moment?

This is a complete new realization which I had today and I am bringing it to light for you.

You cannot stand alone here, talking only about yourself without relating yourself to others.

Your stories and fantasies are full of characters. You are not the only one featuring in your personal story.

It conveys the idea that you are dependent — on people around you and would never be free of them at any point of time.

Even if you choose to set aside some time for yourself in tranquility, you will never be able to exclude people from your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

They will always be there.

Not just one person every time, but anyone can be there.

Sometimes, the same person ghosts you till death.

Being a child, when you were having less interactions with people, you had less memories.

You didn’t rely on the past or on the future.

You were simply a product of the present, thus, independent.

Ironically, you thought you would be independent by the time you get older.

As of now, you are not free from your thoughts relating to people.

You cannot be!

Since you have found your whole existence in this world among people of different ideas and values than you.

They will impact you.

Consequently, you will be contaminated only to never get original.

You are the product of your surroundings — chained by a myriad of people around you.

So beware! You are not merely you.

Yours ever,

I : )

