Look to the Pros for Help with Writer’s Block

When you get a complete blank

Elaine Cremin
Writers’ Blokke


Writing can be the plainest sailing and most fulfilling job or hobby you could have — when things are going right. Sadly, many writers struggle from time to time and end up sitting with a blank screen in front of them. I always look up quotes from famous writers when in a bit of a rut. I find them very inspiring. The quotes below are from very diverse writers, all of which I found helpful. They may also spring you back into writing action.

“I kept always two books in my pocket, one to read, one to write in.”

— Robert Louis Stevenson

Ever since I started writing, I’ve more often than not had a book in my bag to read and always have a notebook to make notes on things I spot or ideas I may get out of the blue.

Ideas are the foundation for your writing. Having a notebook to scribble down your thoughts or ideas is the only way to retain every single one you have.

These days, every phone has a notes app. If you don’t like to carry too many items around with you, use the notes app.

“If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.”

— Stephen King



Elaine Cremin
Writers’ Blokke

Lover of words, laughs, and life. Favorite spots are New York, London, and Rome. Enjoys meditation to relax and a massive believer in alternative therapies.