Love Came Through Love [Fiction]

Favour Olumese
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2024
A woman and her husband with their newborn baby boy.
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“Tired. Lord, I am tired,” I cried out subconsciously. I had been in the hospital for the past three days and was currently in the labour room with the doctors and nurses who were trying to help me deliver safely.

Deep down, I felt I was slipping away. Though I was happy about the soon-to-be-seen face of my unborn child, my past pain still weighed me down. I have in the past had to undergo surgery twice to remove fibroid and suffered three miscarriages. Before the ninth month of my fourth pregnancy, I had a lot of doubts, but being in the labour room filled me with joy. Unfortunately, I happened to be too weak to go on, and the doctors were contemplating Caesarean section.

My marriage to my lovely hubby clocked seven years this year, and though he brought balloons and chocolates home for us to celebrate, I was afraid that my current pregnancy would end up like the previous ones and dash his hopes. He had planned a date night, but the fear in me made me give an excuse that I would not be able to go out, so he decided that we celebrate at home.

The way he bubbles and smiles whenever he comes home makes me very scared. He has been faithful and loving since we got married, and his shoulders have been my crying pillow. His words have brought me great comfort over the years. Whenever I tell him that I am going to a friend’s child’s naming ceremony, he goes along with me because he knows that I could get emotional. Though I am yet to have a child, I have grown to love children dearly. We already have a room prepared for our soon-to-be-born child with clothes and old toys.

If I call my husband a darling, I fear it would be an understatement. When I had my first pregnancy, he blew up with joy and could not help but start acting like the latest father in town. He went and got all a baby would need, from toys to baby walker to clothes and diapers. Unfortunately, we have had to give most of them to our friends over the years. Whenever we are going out for a naming ceremony, I just go to the room to get one of the materials there to present as a gift for the baby.

He took leave from work to be with me throughout the delivery period. When he is not in the hospital premises, he is at home making meals for me. He does not want me to eat meals prepared in restaurants during this period.

Back from my wandering thoughts, I could hear the doctors and nurses murmuring. They seemed to have given up on me delivering naturally, and I have also given up. But as though my husband could read all our minds, he shouted from outside the labour room, “Honey, you can do this. God got you and you got this.” Immediately, with all the strength I had, I tried again and delivered a beautiful boy, and without delay, I named him Love because of the unrestrained love of my God-given husband towards me that kept me going through the difficult years, which helped me deliver Love safely. Only if you could see the beam on my husband’s face as he jumped up and down. The doctor had to drive him away because he was distracting them.

I really don’t know if I will have another child aside from Love, but I and my wonderful husband will love him as best as we humans can love him.



Favour Olumese
Writers’ Blokke

Favour Olumese is a lover of the creative use of words who utilises poetry & non-fiction to relate humanity and divinity in this ticking phase called life.