Making A Joy List

I focus on things that make me happy and bring me joy

Corinne Rodrigues
Writers’ Blokke
Apr 20, 2023


Photo by Paico Oficial on Unsplash

I decided to make a ‘joy list’ — noting things that lift my spirit and bring me joy.

  • Flowers
  • Dogs
  • Books
  • Music
  • Babies
  • Meaningful conversations
  • Kindess — both from me and from others
  • Laughter
  • Listening to people have a good belly laugh
  • Good food
  • Fruit
  • Watching people dance (because I have two left feet!)
  • The smell of water on dry earth (petrichor — relates to rain)
  • Warm showers
  • Scented candles
  • Incense and joss sticks
  • Collecting meaningful quotes
  • Writing my Morning pages
  • A freshly made bed
  • The smell of freshly washed clothes.

I could go on and on — and I will, adding to this list as often as I can.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

What would your ‘joy list’ look like?

