Mark Rober and MrBeast are Leading the Waves to Clean Our Oceans

Will you join #teamseas and help save the planet?

Suzanne E.
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels

As the UN’s COP26 conference in Glasgow is currently going on, it is a great time to put a spotlight on the stark environmental problems facing the planet.

The ocean makes up over 70% of the planet, making it a vital player in the fight against climate change.

But luckily, there are many incredible organisations focused on clearing up the water to help save the earth.

So, sit back, read about the newest initiative to clean the oceans, and get inspired to get involved!

The dangerous truth about rubbish in the oceans

Without clean oceans, we do not have hope in our fight against climate change.

Until the London convention was brought into action in 1975, many countries disposed of all manner of planet-harming substances, such as toxic sludge and sewage, in the ocean.

Luckily things are a bit better these days. But only a little bit.

Our waters are still dangerously polluted with plastic waste, causing devastation to marine life.



Suzanne E.
Writers’ Blokke

Psychology, mental health and travel writer. Language lover 💫Top Writer in Mental Health & Psychology.💫 🌐