Medium Writers: Pick One of These Profile Pin Strategies

Otherwise, readers can’t find your latest posts on their mobile app

Adrienne Parkhurst
Writers’ Blokke


Close up of hands typing on laptop computer
Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash

When I read online, I want to quickly find my favorite authors’ posts. But, that’s not happening on the Medium mobile app anymore.

I see that authors have new posts, but it takes too long to find them.

As a result, I get frustrated with the process and leave an author’s profile page, not knowing if I read their latest post or not.

This is how I feel when I use the Medium mobile app.


I see the little number hover above Sally’s profile picture on my mobile Medium app.

Cool. Sally has a new post.

I click on Sally’s picture to see her latest post.


The first post appears. It’s from three months ago. I read it already. I scroll down and see another article that I read a month ago.

Nope. Already read that.

I scroll through three more articles that I previously skipped or read. Read it. Skipped it. Read it. Sigh. This is taking forever.




Adrienne Parkhurst
Writers’ Blokke

Mom. Wife. Writer. Editor. Healthcare Freelance Writer. Lifetime Learner. Flawed Leader. Sharing my life lessons through personal essays and memoirs.