Medium’s Mission Impossible Is A Fallout

It is a disappointing development in every sense

Vickey Maverick.
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readJul 1, 2022


Photo by Martin Wyall on Unsplash

It is more than a year before the seventh installment of the Mission: Impossible movie franchise hits the screen.

However, this post is not about the final two chapters of Tom Cruise’s globally popular espionage thriller. The allusion is to a disappointing recent development concerning this platform, which is why I am using it to express my anguish.

Ever since it became apparent that writing or editing stories will no longer be possible on the Medium mobile app I am hurt. I firmly believed the app (the previous version), and its on-the-go feature, was Medium’s USP.

For someone who is frequently on the move the Medium app was a blessing in disguise in more ways than one. The app made it possible for me to write, edit, draft and revisit half constructed ideas at any given time. It didn’t matter if I was airborne, in a long distance train or driving with my partner in the countryside. I could jot down ideas and write an initial draft as per convenience, from an android, iPad or iPhone.

Unfortunately, it is only about inconvenience now. All these once ‘mobile’ features of Medium app are gone. I could only watch helplessly and in disbelief as updates accounted for these features one by one, in each one of my devices. It is impossible to comprehend the app sans these features but Medium’s version of Mission Impossible is a reality that bites.

Writing, editing and drafting is no longer possible on the app. For that I have to switch on the MacBook or any other computer that I am carrying at a given point of time. To work on my drafts, and carry on writing/editing on Medium I do not have an alternative any more. I have been left handicapped for no fault of mine.

The Medium app is now only good for reading, or seamlessly going through stories if one wants to describe it in a more fancy manner. The update claimed it will ensure a smooth experience for the reader.

Instead they should clarify that it is only about selective reading. As a matter of fact I cannot even go through my own unpublished drafts. Forget working on them, I am not able to even read them. I believe it has entirely spoiled my experience.

I hate to say this but the Medium app has now become something like a Kindle clone. Unfortunately, I also own that Amazon device and carry it with me everywhere. As such, and without mincing any words, let me admit that the updated app for this platform has become redundant for me.

Medium’s Mission Impossible is a fallout alright, but not as exciting as the sixth installment of the Cruise franchise. Hopefully, the powers that be think over it again and get the platform back to its original avatar.

The present one, I am sorry to say, is downright disappointing and serves no purpose whatsoever. This is no criticism, but an honest opinion. If anyone agrees let’s take the humble plea of reinstating the previous version forward.



Vickey Maverick.
Writers’ Blokke

Ditch the Niche: Focused on providing insightful narratives on diverse topics like culture, health, history, slice of life, sports, travel, work, and on writing