Minimalism: What is It and why Can it Make you Happier

What is minimalism? A passing trend? No, minimalism is much more (actually, much less I should say) and can really make us happier.

Nataly Silva
Writers’ Blokke


Image by Il Diario di un Minimalista

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” - Leonardo da Vinci

Lately we hear more and more talking about minimalism.

Maybe it’s just a trend or maybe it’s the natural consequence of an era of uncontrolled consumerism, in any case the fact is that industry magazines, influencers, artists and companies among the most famous in the world profess and spread minimalism in architecture, photography, industrial design, fashion, art and even music.

But what is the real essence of this philosophy? And, above all, how can we implement it to live a more calm, happier and lighter life?

As an aspiring minimalist I have been searching for the best answers to these two questions and in the next few minutes I would like to share with you what I discovered on my journey.

What is Minimalism?

