Morning Thoughts on Creativity

Creativity tips to save you from doom

Saundarya Tyagi
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readAug 3, 2021


Photo by Stuart Eadie from Burst

Creativity is for everyone. Being a creator is like doing magic and building up your narrative of the world. So here are some pointers to get you started on your journey.

Bring out the inner child in you

How averse were we to sadness during childhood, it was so easy to make us happy and inspired, reel back to that self of yours.

As a child I would scribble all over walls, it didn’t matter if I was using the art supplies like they were supposed to be or coloring my sky purple but one thing that I made sure of was to let my heart out. This kind of freedom from perfection will lead to an ice break moment.

Pull the plug

Getting into the zone is tricky, you need to slip through boredom, it will be like a U-shaped, recovery. To start this process -

  1. Stay away from all devices electrical
  2. As the boredom hits, you will feel the urge to do something. The reason being your supply of dopamine is hindered.
  3. This is the window of opportunity, to find the supply in other places, hopefully igniting the creative spark.

Create a scrapbook

Collect, hoard, pave a path for your mind to go into whenever you feel the blues. Your scrapbook can likely contain memories, images, articles, quotes from books, thoughts that you liked, screenshots, newspaper cuttings, dry leaves, or the lost car keys.

In this age of information, we need to store the ideas that resonated with us the most. Logging these stories will be helpful in not reliving the information overload moment.

Get into the habit of collecting, but what would differentiate us from them is, what we are hoarding. Focus on the quality as well, so you can look at your file when in need of some magic. This book will be like a physical manifestation of your crazy thoughts.

Relate Un-relatable Things

A person woke up with the idea of shaping bullet trains like the kingfisher’s beak for reducing air drag thereby increasing speed. Another person thought of combining what they learned in architecture school with their love for jewelry and voila creating a new trend.

Above are examples of finding answers in the most unexpected places. Mix and match aspects of your life, you may be a sales rep in the morning but by night you become a spiritual guru. Focus on the area that lies at the intersection and in the process creating something new.

Take up Mini-Projects

Start with something you have wanted to do for a long time, make sure it is short and doable and can be completed without you procrastinating.

Mini projects will act like simulators to get of your comfort zone and on your way to finding your muse.

Read Read Read

I can’t stress enough on this but would have included the word “read” like a hundred times in the heading.

Reading opens up your mind like nothing else, it keeps your brain hooked while you drown in your imagination. The best way to keep those creative juices flowing is to read.


Break the Ice -> Tap into your Mind -> Keep collecting -> Be Boring -> Read

